When is prostate cancer awareness month

Every year, September is widely recognized as Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. It is a month dedicated to raising awareness about the second leading cause of cancer for American men and the second leading cause of cancer death after lung cancer. The aim is to educate the public about this disease and provide resources for men and their families affected by it.

According to the American Cancer Society, for the year of 2023, more than 288,000 new prostate cancer cases will be diagnosed and close to 35,000 men will die from the disease. These facts are often unknown by the majority of people and yet, are important to spread this message as all men, as they age, will be at risk for prostate cancer.

Why is awareness on prostate cancer crucial? 

Raising awareness about prostate cancer is crucial because it is one of the most prevalent types of cancer that affects men. Prostate cancer is unfortunately a common diagnosis among men, with one man being diagnosed every three minutes. It is a disease that affects individuals from all walks of life, including fathers, husbands, brothers, sons, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Thanks to early detection and improved treatments, prostate cancer survival rates have improved significantly by reducing prostate cancer death rate by 50%.  But more work still needs to be done.   Education on how to protect and prevent prostate cancer is essential so no man ever has to hear a diagnosis of this disease.  

Early detection is crucial for the successful treatment of prostate cancer, just like with most other types of cancer. Screening tests are available that can detect prostate cancer at an early stage, often before it has a chance to spread. Events like Prostate Cancer Awareness Month can help people learn about the importance of cancer screening and when and how to undergo it.

Raising awareness about prostate cancer is also important because making certain lifestyle changes can help reduce the risk of developing it.

Like with many diseases, lifestyle habits play a role in either inhibiting or promoting the development of a medical condition such as prostate cancer.  While there are no guarantees, the more daily healthy habits a man practices, the greater likelihood of dodging prostate cancer.

This complex disease does not have to take over a man’s life. Even though some risk factors such as a family history or being African American are out of a man’s control, men who focus on healthy dietary and lifestyle habits, will have better odds of reducing their chance of developing it to begin with.

Part of the aim for Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is to spread the word that the earlier in life a man embraces a healthy lifestyle, the greater the likelihood he can either avoid prostate cancer or at least catch it in its earliest stage, vastly improving the chance of survival. In fact, when diagnosed at an early stage, before the cancer may have spread, the five-year survival rate is almost 100 percent. Ten years after the diagnosis, 98 percent of men diagnosed early, remain alive. 

Ways to be part of prostate cancer awareness

There are a variety of ways anyone can play a role in promoting prostate cancer awareness. One way is through volunteering to organize, staff, or clean up after fundraising or awareness events, necessary to help make a meaningful impact in the fight against prostate cancer. 

Additionally, lending a helping hand with tasks such as providing transportation, running errands, or checking in on patients can bring comfort and support to those affected by the disease. 

Setting up events to fundraise for prostate cancer awareness month makes a significant difference in improving research efforts and supporting individuals financially with prostate cancer.

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month is a great opportunity to spread awareness about prostate cancer by sharing educational materials, facts, and personal stories. You can share information about prostate cancer by posting on social media using hashtags like #ProstateAwarenessMonth or #ProstateCancer. 

You can also place educational pamphlets in public spaces like workplaces, libraries, or venues with permission. Additionally, you can hand out educational guides from charities to friends, loved ones, co-workers, or neighbors.

One last thing, be sure to wear the symbol of prostate cancer awareness month – a light blue ribbon. Just like wearing a pink ribbon is known for symbolizing breast cancer awareness month, wearing a light blue ribbon on your lapel will bring attention to this potentially deadly disease, and serves as a reminder to men to take care of themselves to prevent prostate cancer. 

Actions to take in cancer prevention

One of the main aims of prostate cancer awareness month is to educate and remind of the importance of prostate cancer screening tests to find cancer at its earliest, most treatable stage. These tests are designed to identify cancer before it causes any symptoms or spreads to other parts of the body. 

Early detection is crucial for the successful treatment of prostate cancer, just like with most other types of cancer. Screening tests are available that can detect prostate cancer at an early stage, often before it has a chance to spread. Events like Prostate Cancer Awareness Month can help people learn about the importance of cancer screening and when and how to undergo it.

One of the screening tests for prostate cancer involves measuring the levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. PSA is a substance produced by the prostate gland, and high levels of PSA in the blood may indicate the presence of prostate cancer. Another screening test for prostate cancer is a digital rectal examination, where a doctor inserts a finger into the rectum to feel the prostate gland. People who are at a high risk of developing prostate cancer may also choose to undergo genetic or genomic screening for prostate cancer.

Other ways men can take to reduce the risk of prostate cancer include the following:

  • Exercise regularly, engaging in aerobic, strength, and flexibility activities
  • Reach and maintain a healthy body weight
  • Choose nutritious foods every day. Avoid drinking sugary and alcoholic beverages
  • Reduce stress by finding hobbies you enjoy
  • Make it a priority to get adequate sleep
  • Never take up smoking or quit now if you already have
  • Know your family history for prostate cancer.  While you can’t change your genetics, you can live and lead a healthy lifestyle

When men adopt healthy daily habits and have routine prostate cancer screenings beginning at age 40, they will have a far better chance of surviving and beating back this disease if they are ever diagnosed with it. 


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