Preparing for prostate surgery may find you a little bit emotional and with a lot of questions. Although radical prostatectomy is generally a minimally-invasive surgery, it is perfectly normal to feel nervous or even anxious.

The preoperative preparation for prostatectomy can help you be more confident and recover faster after the procedure.

Robotic Radical Prostatectomy pre-operative instructions

You must report to the Pre-Operative Services Unit two hours before your scheduled surgery time.

Please contact your physician’s office enough time in advance so you can get the necessary pre-testing.

Depending upon your specific needs your pre-testing may include urinalysis, urine culture, chest x-ray, EKG and a variety of other diagnostic tests.

Please call your physician’s office at least five days before your scheduled surgery date to ensure that your medical clearance has been faxed to us, to prevent rescheduling /delay of your procedure.

If your disability forms need to be filled out, please ensure that all the necessary documents are faxed to 1-646-692-6744 at least 2-3 weeks PRIOR to your scheduled surgery date to avoid any delays in processing.

Pre-Operative Preparation for Robotic Radical Prostatectomy

Please read the below details regarding pre-operative instructions which should be followed prior to surgery.

Preparing for prostate surgery – 10 days before your surgery:

Medication to be avoided before prostate surgery

  • Avoid taking aspirin products including non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Advil, Aleve, vitamin E, and any vitamins and/or herbal supplements 10 days prior to your surgery date. If you are unsure of the medication please call the doctor that prescribed the medication to you.
  • If you are taking Coumadin and Plavix, you must stop taking them 10 days prior to surgery.
  • If you are on medications for high blood pressure, thyroid problems, or asthma, you may take them the morning of surgery with a sip of water. (Coffee, Tea, or Juice are not permitted). If you are diabetic and take medication, do not take them on the morning of surgery. If you take insulin, only use half the normal dose the morning of surgery. These are important aspects to take into account when preparing for prostate surgery.

Preparing for prostate surgery – the day before your surgery:

  • The day prior to your surgery you must follow a clear liquid diet and avoid all solid foods. A clear liquid diet includes broths, jell-o, popsicles, etc. (If you can’t see through it, you probably can’t have it). If you need some suggestions, try Gatorade or the items listed on the Clear Liquid Diet section below.
  • You are required to drink 1 bottle of Magnesium Citrate the day before your surgery at approximately 3:00-4:00 pm. Magnesium Citrate is available over the counter at your local pharmacy.
  • After midnight the night prior to your surgery, you are not allowed to have anything to eat or drink. In addition, you are not allowed to have breakfast or drink anything the morning of surgery.
  • If your surgery is booked at 3:00 or 4:00 pm you can eat until noontime the day before your surgery and then begin your clear liquids for the rest of the day.

Diet before prostate surgery – Clear liquid diet

Diet before prostate surgery is an important factor to take into account. To prevent dehydration and feeling of weakness, it is important to maintain adequate fluid and caloric intake. You should have a minimum of 8-10 (8-ounce) portions of clear liquids in a 24-hour period. You should have these clear liquids at your normal meal times and also between meals. Examples are clear broth, Jell-o, flavored ices, clear fruit juices and soda such as ginger ale, Seltzer, Sprite and Gatorade.