One in seven American men will have prostate cancer during his lifetime. The American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 180,890 new cases diagnosed in 2016. Approximately 2.8 million American men are living with the disease, and more than 26,000 deaths from it are predicted this year. When you’re being treated for prostate cancer, it becomes more and more important than ever to eat right and get the adequate nutrition that your body needs. Below are some of the foods you should avoid to lower your risk for developing prostate cancer.
Red Meat: As tempting as that steak or cheeseburger may be, it’s not necessarily doing your prostate any favors. The link between red meat and the risk for developing prostate cancer may be due to heterocyclic amines (HCAs) which are carcinogens found in cooked meat. Heterocyclic amines has also been associated with several other cancers and studies have suggested that meat such as beef and pork may increase a man’s risk for prostate cancer. Instead, try eating more fish like salmon rather than a T-bone.
Dairy Products: Isn’t milk supposed to do the body good? Increasing evidence is beginning to suggest that men who consume large amounts of dairy products may increase cell proliferation in the prostate, which in turn can develop into prostate cancer. A study which was published in The Journal of Nutrition found that skim and low-fat milks increased the risk of low-grade stages of prostate cancer. Simply put, limit your consumption in order to lower your risk.
Saturated Fats: The association between saturated fat and prostate cancer is still tentative at best but a past study conducted by the MD Anderson Cancer Center, found that men who consumed larger amounts of saturated fats than those who were on low-fat diets were more likely to have elevated PSA levels following surgery to remove prostate tumors. Stick with healthier fats such monounsaturated fat typically found in food like fish and nuts.
If you are currently undergoing treatment for prostate cancer be sure to consult with your doctor first before making any changes to your diet. This is to avoid complications as certain foods may react adversely with certain types of prostate cancer drugs and treatments.