The weight loss industry is flooded with countless diets claiming to be the ultimate solution to shedding unwanted pounds. This industry has been a multi-million-dollar business for a long time and usually focuses on women and their weight loss concerns. However, men also have weight-related worries and want to look and feel good while leading a healthy and fulfilling life. It’s important to remember that both men and women can benefit from a healthy diet and exercise regime.
Based on NHANES Data, 34.1% of men are overweight, while 6.9% of them are severely obese. This emphasizes the importance of providing men with scientifically proven nutritional guidance to help them achieve their weight loss objectives, enhance their overall well-being, and achieve a balance between muscle building and fat loss.
Best weight loss advice for men
There is no singular food or way of eating that men should emphasize, and there is no scientific evidence to indicate that any specific diet is superior for men compared to women. However, consuming a diverse range of foods including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and proteins like beans, eggs, and lean meats is a prudent approach to achieving good health. These diets focus on these food items and provide an adequate supply of macronutrients and fiber, facilitating weight loss and enhancing overall health for men.
Men must incorporate various nutrient-dense foods into their daily diet to maintain optimal health and well-being. Prioritizing vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins can offer numerous health benefits while keeping the diet balanced and well-rounded. Diets emphasizing these food items are well-suited for men who wish to lose weight and improve their health. By adhering to these dietary recommendations, men can ensure that they are making informed decisions about their health and successfully achieve their health goals.
Here are basic weight loss tips every man should embrace for a healthier waistline, better heart health, reduced risk of diabetes, and improved mental, physical, and sexual well-being:
Balancing calorie intake with daily physical activity
Men generally have higher caloric and nutritional needs than most women. This is because men have more muscle mass, are usually taller, and tend to be more physically active. On average, a man requires about 2000 to 2500 calories each day, but this can vary based on age, height, current weight, and activity level.
For men who want to lose weight, the best approach is to reduce the amount of food consumed at meals and snacks. Using a smaller plate or measuring food portions with measuring cups or a food scale can help men still enjoy their favorite foods in smaller portions.
Up protein intake
Men should prioritize maintaining muscle mass and the best way to do so is consume adequate daily protein. An excellent way to boost weight loss and athletic performance is to increase protein intake. Men who are sedentary should consume at least 1.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Men who are at least moderately active should aim for 1.4 to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, if a sedentary man weighs 220 pounds, divide this number by 2.2 to get his weight in kilograms (100 kg) and then multiply that number by 1.0, which results in 100 grams of protein he should consume daily.
It is recommended to spread protein intake throughout the day rather than consuming it all at once. Best protein sources include fish, lean beef, poultry, eggs, dairy foods, nuts, and lentils.
Adequate protein helps maintain muscle mass but also squelches hunger throughout the day.
Add in more fiber
The vast majority of Americans lack fiber. Yet this nutrient is vital for protecting against chronic diseases such as heart disease, colon cancer, and diabetes. Fiber also is critical for helping men achieve a well-nourished gut microbiome and for achieving a healthy body weight. It takes longer to digest leading to a feeling fullness that prevents hunger cravings.
Fiber is only found in plant-based foods – no animal-based food contains fiber. Therefore, some of the best sources men should choose daily are oats, beans, legumes, fruit, whole grains, and vegetables.
Each day, men require about 38 grams of fiber. At every meal, men should include fiber-rich foods to meet this goal and to prevent many chronic health problems.
Avoid overtly sugary foods and beverages
Excess sugar is a known cause of inflammation leading to various chronic health issues such as obesity. Sugary beverages are one of the top sources of this substance which include sodas, sweet tea, sports drinks, juices, and flavored milk. Other prime sugar sources are certain ultra-processed foods filled with too much sugar like candy, donuts, sugar-sweetened cereals, pastries, granola bars, and even some protein bars.
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends to limit added sugar intake to less than 10% of total calories per day. For a 2,000 calorie diet, this means consuming no more than 200 calories or 50 grams of added sugar daily.
Learn when to eat and when to stop eating
A key aspect of achieving and maintaining a healthy body weight is to learn to eat only when hungry and stop eating once you start feeling full. By following this advice, men can avoid eating when bored, stressed, or for any other reason than hunger.
It is recommended to eat three meals per day at regular times and pay attention to your body’s signals throughout the meal. Once you start feeling full but not over-stuffed, it’s time to put down the fork and push away from the table. Skipping meals or going for long periods without eating should be avoided. If you become too hungry, you tend to overeat and consume too many calories, which can lead to weight gain if it happens frequently.
Dr. David Samadi is the Director of Men’s Health and Urologic Oncology at St. Francis Hospital in Long Island. He’s a renowned and highly successful board certified Urologic Oncologist Expert and Robotic Surgeon in New York City, regarded as one of the leading prostate surgeons in the U.S., with a vast expertise in prostate cancer treatment and Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy. Dr. Samadi is a medical contributor to NewsMax TV and is also the author of The Ultimate MANual, Dr. Samadi’s Guide to Men’s Health and Wellness, available online both on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Visit Dr. Samadi’s websites at robotic oncology and prostate cancer 911.