New York, NY—(PR Newswire—August 25, 2015)— Revolutionary genetic test for diagnosing and understanding the staging of Prostate Cancer, Prolaris & Genomic Prostate Score from Myriad Genetics, is now offered at Dr. Samadi’s Prostate Cancer Center in New York City. 

“Overall, Prolaris and other genetic tests to apply post biopsy, will give more information regarding the risk factors, growth rate, aggressiveness and risk of morbidity of the cancer, which is a huge advantage to have, especially early on in the prostate cancer diagnosis process. Prolaris optimizes the biopsy results to better determine activity around the prostate, and that is a game changer,” stressed Dr. Samadi, Chairman of Urology and Chief of Robotic Surgery.

The purpose of this score is to distinguish between aggressive cancers that need treatment and those that are slow growing and may need active surveillance. The Prolaris Score is a measure of how fast a prostate cancer tumor is growing after a biopsy has indicated its presence in the prostate gland.

Biopsy tissue samples are used to determine a patient’s personal Prolaris Score. It measures how fast cancer cells in the tumor are dividing. Measuring a 46-gene expression signature, Prolaris also includes cell cycle progression genes selected based upon correlation with prostate tumor cell proliferation.

“We’ve entered into a whole new realm of personalized medicine, where we have the ability to learn a lot about the cancer developing in the individual patient, how aggressive it is, and the right treatment. This new era of genetic testing for prostate cancer helps us better detect and distinguish high and low-risk prostate cancer,” said Dr. Samadi.

Prolaris & Genomic Prostate Score is especially useful after a biopsy is performed. At Dr. Samadi’s practice, MRI-Guided Fusion Biopsy is often performed to better target suspicious areas of the prostate to extract tissue for further examination. An MRI-ultrasound fusion biopsy involves taking an MRI and then fusing the data with real-time ultrasound images for guidance on biopsy procedures. Dr. Samadi’s practice is the sole prostate cancer center in New York City using the revolutionary UroNav System, which combines electromagnetic tracking and navigation with an onboard computer and a real-time imaging interface in one mobile workstation. The MR/Ultrasound fusion aligns and registers prior diagnostic MR images with real-time ultrasound images.

Having this genetic test post biopsy helps pathologists and prostate cancer specialists better understand how fast the tumor is growing. This reduces the number of repeat biopsies which is a major concern when it comes to prostate cancer screening and biomarkers.

“Genetic testing brings individualized care to another level even when it comes to treating a disease that is this prominent,” noted Dr. Samadi.

Patients newly diagnosed with prostate cancer can contact world renowned prostate cancer surgeon and urologic oncologist, Dr. David Samadi, for a consultation and to learn more about the Prolaris & Genomic Prostate Score. Visit and call 212-365-5000 to set up your consultation.


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