4 Facts Myths Of Prostate Cancer

Myths & Facts About Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the second most diagnosed cancer and second most leading cause of cancer deaths in men living within the United States.

Nearly nine percent of men that are diagnosed with prostate cancer will die from the disease.

Discerning the truth from fiction is the first step towards understanding prostate cancer and increasing your chances of effectively fighting the disease.

Myth: Prostate cancer only occurs in older men

Fact: While it is true that older men are at a greater risk for developing prostate cancer about a third of reported cases occur before the age of 65. Variables which can increase your risk of developing prostate cancer range from your family history, and your ethnic background.

Myth: All cases of prostate cancer will require treatment

Fact: Only the more aggressive cases of prostate cancer will require immediate treatment. In many diagnosed cases if the cancer is found to be slow growing, your doctor may conduct treatment that is called “Active Surveillance”. Essentially what this means is that a doctor will monitor the cancer over a period of time and will only intercede medically if the cancer worsens.

Myth: Prostate cancer & treatment will diminish your sexual activity

Fact: The nerves that encompass the prostate and control the capacity for erections may be adversely affected during some prostate cancer treatments or surgeries. Age of the patient will play an important factor as to how quickly he will regain full erectile function. Most instances of post-treatment erectile dysfunction can be overseen by a urologist. Medications such as Viagra or Cialis may be prescribed by your doctor for treatment.

Myth: High PSA score equals prostate cancer

Fact: Increased PSA levels doesn’t necessarily mean that you have prostate cancer.
Increased PSA levels can merely be indications of an enlarged or inflamed prostate gland. The high PSA level however can aid your doctor in determining if a biopsy will be needed in order to confirm whether or not you have the disease.

Dr. David Samadi | Robotic Prostate Surgeon


ProstateCancer911.com is a resource created by Dr. David Samadi in order to raise awareness and get more men to receive prostate cancer treatment. The information is strictly general and you should always discuss with your doctor issues concerning your health.


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