Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) is an outpatient procedure to treat urinary symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate (BPH). It’s generally used for men with small- to moderate-sized prostates. TUMT is a treatment option for men who want more than medications for treatment of their symptoms. This procedure is not recommended for men with prostate cancer or for men who are suspected of having prostate cancer.
How Is TUMT Performed?
TUMT is an outpatient, non-surgical and minimally invasive therapy performed under a local anesthetic. The treatment involves inserting a special microwave urinary catheter into the prostatic urethra. The microwave antenna within the catheter is then heated to destroy the surrounding prostatic tissue. The procedure lasts 30 minutes to one hour and well tolerated by patients. After the procedure, prostatic tissue will be swollen and irritated.A Foley catheter is inserted to prevent the patient from urinary retention. After 3-5 days the catheter is removed.
After The Procedure
At the end of the procedure, if you are able to urinate or void and your urologist determines it is appropriate, you will be sent home without a catheter. If you are unable to void, a small catheter will be placed to drain urine from your bladder for a few days. During this time, you will need to take it easy. Once your physician determines that the catheter may be removed, you will be free to resume your normal day-to-day activities.
What Are The Advantages Of TUMT?
TUMT can offer advantages over other methods of treating BPH. Some advantages might include:
- Lower risk of bleeding
- No hospital stay
- Lower risk of dry orgasm
As with any medical procedure, there are certain risks associated with transurethral microwave therapy, such as:
- Inability to completely empty the bladder
- Urinary tract infection
- Pain in the belly or groin
- Backwards ejaculation
- Erectile dysfunction
- Damage to the urethra, bladder, or tissues surrounding the prostate
It may take several weeks to several months before you see any noticeable improvement in urinary symptoms. Some side effects of TUMT can include, blood in urine, painful or difficult urination and rectal irritation. Following TUMT, it’s important to have a digital rectal exam once a year to check your prostate and screen for prostate cancer. If you do notice any worsening of urinary symptoms, be sure to see your doctor.